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Unite Redesign

Feb 24, 2016 9:00:00 AM


We've redesigned the Admin views in Unite and added Email and Event logs!

New Look for the Admin Bar 

When you log into Church360º Unite as an an administrator, you will notice that your Admin bar at the top of the screen has changed. We have added icons next to each section of pages, posts, users, themes and settings. We've also replaced the Comments tab in the Admin bar and moved it over to a completely new Activity tab. Administrators can either approve or delete these comments by using the action options at the bottom left hand corner of the screen.


Full Screen Views  

You will also notice that when you select an item from the admin bar, your options now appear as a full screen view. We hope that this expanded view will help navigate through admin functions as you make changes. To exit the Admin view and go back to your main page, simply click on the small "x" next to the tab name.



Users and Mailing Lists 

Mailing lists have also been moved from the Mailing List tab into the Users tab. Actions items for mailing lists have also moved slightly. To send an email to a certain list, simply select the list and click the Email button at the bottom of the screen. If you would like to delete a list, click the Delete icon  at the right hand side of the list name and then click the red delete button to confirm the deletion. 

You will also notice that the appearance of your users list has changed. Instead of the old, paginated view of users, your new users lists is now one list which you may scroll through or filter.



Addition of Email and Event Logs 

We have also added an Email Log and Event Log that can be accessed through the new Activity tab. The Event Log will help you to see the date and time that other users have made changes to your site. The Email Log will help to track which of your emails have been delivered and which have failed.




We hope that these redesigned Admin Views will help you to engage and connect with your members. If you have any further suggestions or questions, please contact our support team at support@cts.cph.org or 800.346.6120.

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Anna Johnson

Written by Anna Johnson

Deaconess Anna Johnson loves to share the Good News of Jesus with children, youth, and families. She's a graduate of Concordia University Chicago and the University of Colorado - Denver. In her free time, Anna enjoys fishing, reading, and a good cup of tea.