With this latest update to Church360° Unite, you can now include the same event on multiple calendars and, in the case of recurring events, you can now change the name of a specific event instance without affecting the entire series.
Multiple Calendars
We have updated the calendars feature so that the same event can be added to more than one calendar. To access this, first log into Church360° Unite. Click on New Event, add your event details (including all fo the calendars on which you would like it to appear), and click Create Event. When you return to your calendar view, you will see that the event now appears under both calendars in the main view.
To add an existing event to multiple calendars, click on the event name you wish to change. Click on Edit this Event. Within the event screen, enter the additional calendars in the calendar box. Once your changes are ready, select Update all events in this schedule and then click Update Event. A green box will appear to let you know that your changes have been saved. When you return to the main calendars view, the event will now appear when any of the calendars are selected.
Event Instances Can Have Different Names
This calendar update gives you the ability to rename event instances within the same series. To edit a single event title, just click on the name of the event you would like to update. Enter in the new title for this event instance. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, select Update just this event, and click Update Event. When you go back to your calendar view, you will see that the one event name has been changed without affecting the entire event series or calendar.
We hope that these added features will assist you in creating calendars for your congregation! If you have any further suggestions or questions, please contact our support team at support@cts.cph.org or 800.346.6120.
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