Your Church360° Unite website has Household and Person profiles for each member of your church. Here is an overview of these types of profiles and how to edit them.
Household and Person Profiles
The Members page on your Church360° Unite website lists your church’s members as well as each member’s household name, household members, address, household phone number, and email address. You can use the search bar to quickly find people.
In each Household record, you can update the family name, permanent address, phone numbers, and email addresses. You can also choose whether the address, phone number, and email addresses are listed, and you can change the order family members are listed in.
In each Person record, you can see which groups the person is a member of and any recent activity, and you can update the person’s profile. The fields that can be updated are title, first name, middle name, last name, suffix, preferred name, email addresses, and phone numbers. You can also choose whether each email address or phone number is listed.
How Do I Update a Household Profile?
- Navigate to your Members page.
- Find the household whose profile you want to update, and click on the household’s last name.
- Click “Edit Household”. This will open a page allowing you to update the profile.
- Make any necessary changes.
- Click “Update Household” to save the changes.
How Do I Update a Person Profile?
- Navigate to your Members page.
- Find the household for the person whose profile you want to update, and click on the individual’s name.
- Click “Edit My Profile”. This will open a page allowing you to update the profile.
- Make any necessary changes.
- Click “Update Profile” to save the changes.
Note: If you also have Church360° Members, any changes you make to a Household or Person profile in Church360° Unite will automatically sync over to Church360° Members. If you have Shepherd’s Staff, you will need to run the Sync process to have these updates show within Shepherd’s Staff.