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Resource Center

Customizing Reports

May 7, 2014 9:00:00 AM

Every treasurer has their own preferences and likes to report specific information to the church. Because of this, the reports in Church360° Ledger have been built to be tailored to meet your individual needs.
  • General Ledger. Filter the report by type of transaction, payee, or specific account using the arrows in the header rows. Change the timeframe using the date picker in the top right. Group by payee or account by clicking on the chain icon in the header row.
  • Income and Expense. Use the arrows to the left of the account name to expand or contract the list. Collapse any combination of categories to show just the information needed while still showing the appropriate totals. Change the timeframe using the date picker in the top right. This report shows the budget and the actual amount for each account during that timeframe.
  • Chart of Accounts. This report lists every account in your Chart of Accounts and can be used to quickly show the current balance. Use the arrows to the left of the account name to expand or contract the list. Change the timeframe using the date picker in the top right. The data will shows the balances at the start and end of the timeframe as well as the change in balance that occurred.
  • Balance Sheet. The report is similar to the Chart of Accounts report, except it only shows Assets and Liabilities in order to show the net total at the bottom of the report.

For further customization, each of these reports can be easily exported to a spreadsheet and formatted as needed using your preferred spreadsheet software.

Church360 Ledger Reports


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Peter Frank

Written by Peter Frank

Peter Frank is full-time student at Concordia Seminary who also serves part-time at Concordia Publishing House as the Digital Product Owner. His responsibilities include leading Concordia Technology Solutions (CTS), the church management software division. A graduate of Concordia University Wisconsin, his background in theology, business, and technology gives him a unique perspective on technology in the church. He is married and the father of two young children.