A church can accumulate a lot of inventory over the years, and knowing what you have, its status, and where it is stored helps save time and space when preparing for different events.
Scheduler’s new Inventory tab in Shepherd's Staff 2020 houses all this information to keep you up to date on exactly what you have and its availability.
The default view for the Inventory tab lists all your inventory in one concise grid. Assigning types to your inventory will allow for easy filtering and search boxes will pull up what you need at the stroke of a key. Adding locations in addition to loan and maintenance statuses will save you from looking all over the building for the things you need and details like quantity, pictures, and notes will give you insight on what might need repair or replacing.
Some churches have a transport vehicle handy for goods and people. Everything to know about your car, truck, or anything in between, is contained here. The record can include its location, loan and service status, maintenance and repair records, ownership and insurance information, check boxes for CDL requirements and wheelchair accessibility, and acquisition information.
In these trying times, security for your congregation is a must. Thus, it is important to know who exactly has access to the building or certain rooms. This section’s options consist of key number, category, assigned room, assigned person, and the date range this key was in the person’s possession.
You want to keep what you have in tiptop shape to be ready for anything. This section allows you to record maintenance or repair work for future reference. When adding a record, you can include the maintenance date, mileage, who performed the work, invoice or receipt numbers, the cost of the work, as well as any other details or notes you may want to type for your records.
Even the honor system can benefit from a reminder. This section holds details on inventory that was loaned out for one reason or another. Adding a record here, you can include the borrower’s information, date loaned out, a determined date for its return, and the actual return date. Detail boxes can be used for where the property is going, the reason for its use, before and after descriptions, and other information you feel may be worth noting.
For an overview of how to use the new Scheduler Inventory, please watch the video below.