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What’s New in Shepherd’s Staff v9.1

By Concordia Technology Solutions on Oct 22, 2024 10:40:10 AM

Its been nearly a year since the last Shepherds Staff software update, version 9.0, was released. With this came major improvements, including a completely revamped Finance Module. Now, were excited to unveil its successor, version 9.1, which includes a plethora of updates and new features, as well as software tweaks since v9.0 was released. 

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Updated Finance Module in Shepherd’s Staff v9.0

By Concordia Technology Solutions on Dec 1, 2023 12:00:00 PM

We are pleased to announce version 9.0 of Shepherd’s Staff, which features a completely revamped Finance Module. Matching the updated design and functionality of the other modules, the new Finance Module will allow you to manage your church’s resources with more efficiency and ease than ever before.  

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Issue Caused by Latest Update of Microsoft Defender Antivirus

By Rod Kyles on Aug 15, 2020 8:00:00 PM

Updated Saturday, August 15, 2020 at 9:15 p.m. (CDT)

Late Friday, August 14, 2020, we became aware that Microsoft released an update to their Microsoft Defender Antivirus software that incorrectly flags Shepherd's Staff as a threat. This means that Microsoft quarantines the main application file and the corresponding shortcut, making it inaccessible.

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Scheduler 2020: Inventory

By Rod Kyles on Jul 6, 2020 11:30:00 AM

A church can accumulate a lot of inventory over the years, and knowing what you have, its status, and where it is stored helps save time and space when preparing for different events.

Scheduler’s new Inventory tab in Shepherd's Staff 2020 houses all this information to keep you up to date on exactly what you have and its availability.

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Shepherd’s Staff 2020: A New Scheduler Module

By Rod Kyles on Jun 25, 2020 2:00:00 PM

Our segmented rewrite of Shepherd’s Staff continues this summer! The Concordia Technology Solutions team is excited to announce a redesigned Scheduler module.

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Shepherd's Staff 2020: New People and Households

By Rod Kyles on Oct 29, 2019 10:00:00 AM

The Shepherd’s Staff 2020 software will work on the premise that everyone in a congregation has a household. For this reason, when a person is created, selecting or creating a household will be required. Earlier versions required you to create a household first, then add people to the household. This updated module streamlines this process by creating both households and people in the same window.

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Shepherd's Staff 2020: Church Register

By Rod Kyles on Oct 25, 2019 10:00:00 AM

Each member of a congregation has significant life events that many churches document in a register book. In the Shepherd’s Staff 2020 Membership module, these events are recorded and accessed all in one place.

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Shepherd's Staff 2020: Ministry Views

By Rod Kyles on Sep 24, 2019 10:00:00 AM

Maintaining a good rapport with your congregation is very important. With Shepherd’s Staff 2020 recording, Pastoral Visits are no longer restricted to tracking only physical visitations. In our new update, we introduce the Ministry Tab with a focus on a new feature: Touchpoints.

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Shepherd's Staff 2020: A New Membership Module

By Rod Kyles on Sep 10, 2019 10:00:00 AM

Currently, Shepherd’s Staff is going through an interface redesign, module by module. Last year we released the redesigned Attendance module and this year we will be releasing the redesigned Membership module. The new software conventions seen in last year’s Attendance module release will also be seen in this year’s Membership module release. Some of the new conventions you may look forward to seeing are the Tool Bar, Module Tabs, and Favorites.

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Upgrade to Windows 10 for the Best Shepherd’s Staff Experience

By Peter Frank on Jan 16, 2019 4:00:00 PM

After January 14, 2020, Microsoft will no longer support Windows 7. This means Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or any other form of support. As a result, computers running Windows 7 will be vulnerable to hacks, viruses, and other issues if they are not upgraded to the most recent version of Windows. This directly impacts users of Shepherd’s Staff.

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Shepherd’s Staff

At Concordia Technology Solutions, we’re committed to helping our customers easily manage their churches. Here, you’ll find information on innovative new features, the latest software updates, and upcoming training opportunities for Shepherd’s Staff.