We’re pleased to announce the release of two new features to Church360° Members: the ability to create Smart Groups based on offering type and a custom field type for website links.
New Features: Filter for Offering Types and Custom Field for Link Types
By Peter Frank on Apr 3, 2019 5:15:00 PM
The Regular Attendees Feature in Events Is Going Away
By Peter Frank on May 9, 2018 1:00:00 PM
Regular Attendees is a feature of Church360° Members in which an individual can be marked as frequently in attendance for a series of events. This feature was meant to be a time saver, but it has actually been more confusing than helpful for our users, and it is rarely used. For those reasons, we are going to remove this feature from the software.
Tools for Distributing Next Year's Envelopes
By Anna Johnson on Dec 7, 2016 1:00:00 PM
With 2017 on the way, many churches are getting ready to distribute offering envelopes for the coming year. Our developers have been working on some helpful tools to assist you in the process of organizing and distributing envelopes during this time of transition.
Reaching Your Email Audience with Church360° Members
By Anna Johnson on Jul 15, 2016 9:00:00 AM
Church360° Members has some great tools to help you make sure that your church's email communications always reach the right audience.
New Address Trait in Smart Groups
By Anna Johnson on Mar 9, 2016 1:00:00 PM
We’ve added an address trait that allows you to search within a mile radius of a given location, filter addresses by zip code, and find unlisted addresses.
Updates to Emails, Calendars, and Smart Groups
By Anna Johnson on Mar 2, 2016 1:00:00 PM
We’ve made some major changes to emails, event calendars, and Smart Groups traits related to widows and widowers.
Updates to Smart Groups
By Anna Johnson on Feb 24, 2016 9:00:00 AM
We’ve added a variety of new updates to Smart Groups in Church360° Members. We hope that these added Smart Group features will help you to communicate with your congregation more efficiently and identify pastoral needs more clearly.
New Updates and Smart Groups Tips
By Peter Frank on Feb 12, 2014 9:00:00 AM
With our latest updates and fix-its, you can now do the following:
- Delete single instances of a reoccurring event
- Add more household emails and phone numbers to the People view
- Include Federal ID number on Contribution Statements
- Enter offerings more quickly
- Use a preferred name to enter offering and attendance
- Enjoy easily-sorted offerings after entry
- Choose Select All/None categories in People, Household, and Calendars
- Add tags to people while in tabs other than the General tab