The Concordia Technology Solutions team is excited to announce the release of texting to Church360° Members. This exciting new feature allows you to send mass text messages to the members of your church who have opted in to this form of communication. This feature is included free of charge with your current subscription.
Easier Access to Attendance Detail Report
By Peter Frank on Mar 4, 2020 8:30:00 AM
We've made a slight change to the navigation of Church360° Members. Now, clicking on Attendance in the top navigation will direct you to the Attendance Detail Report view rather than Enter Attendance view. In order to get to the Enter Attendance view, you may simply click the button in the top left corner of that screen.
New Feature: Recurring Away Addresses
By Peter Frank on Apr 26, 2019 4:30:00 PM
There are many small features of Church360° Members that are not used daily, but serve a very important purpose. Away addresses are one of those features. We've received feedback that our users like that feature, but there was something we could do to improve it. Today, I'm excited to announce the introduction of recurring away addresses.
New Features: Filter for Offering Types and Custom Field for Link Types
By Peter Frank on Apr 3, 2019 5:15:00 PM
We’re pleased to announce the release of two new features to Church360° Members: the ability to create Smart Groups based on offering type and a custom field type for website links.
New Feature: Archive People
By Peter Frank on Feb 28, 2019 9:30:00 AM
Church360° Members has always prioritized showing the right information in the right place at the right time. One way to accomplish this is to filter out people who are no longer active in your church, and while this is often accomplished by utilizing smart groups, a more permanent solution has been requested. We have now added a way to hide people for good with the Archive People function.
Get Ready for Next Year by Renumbering Offering Envelopes
By Peter Frank on Nov 7, 2018 3:45:00 PM
Church360° Members offers the option of renumbering all offering envelopes at one time rather than individually. This mass update can be implemented immediately or scheduled for a later time. With some recent updates, the process has become easier than ever before.
New Feature: Anniversary Calendar Smart Group
By Peter Frank on Oct 1, 2018 10:00:00 AM
Church360° Members now offers the option of limiting which people show on the anniversary calendar in the Events view. You can do this by selecting a specific Smart Group. All accounts have been updated to show only the “Members” Smart Group (people who are currently living members).
[Webinar] 2016 Q2 Recent Updates
By Peter Frank on Jul 25, 2016 10:00:00 AM
On Thursday, July 28th, 2016, Peter Frank, Manager of Concordia Technology Solutions, hosted a training webinar on all the recent updates in Church360° Members in Q2 of 2016.