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Discover how to leverage technology in your church

Technology should not transform ministry, but rather do the things that people don’t have to do so they can do what they do best.

Jeremy Roegner

Jeremy Roegner serves as Manager of Customer Experience and Support at Concordia Publishing House. He earned his bachelor’s degree in aviation flight management from Lewis University and is finishing up a Masters of Information Science Management at Washington University in St. Louis. As a pastor’s kid and a missionary kid, he relies on God’s grace more often than he should. Jeremy is married to his better half, has a son and a daughter, and enjoys gadgets, coffee, stouts, and coffee stouts.

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The Reformation and Technological Change in the Church

By Jeremy Roegner | Oct 31, 2017 10:30:00 AM

“Immortal God, what a world I see dawning. Why can I not be young again?”

The Dutch scholar Erasmus wrote these words in 1517, enraptured by the possibilities created by the Renaissance. The zeitgeist of the Renaissance was closely entwined with that of the Reformation, also dawning in 1517, as Europeans awakened to new ways of seeing the world and understanding their individual roles in it.

It was technology that enabled the ideas of the Renaissance and Reformation to spread like wildfire around Europe: Gutenberg’s moveable type printing press drastically increased the speed and accessibility of information. This technological innovation not only transformed the way ideas were spread, but also played a significant part in developing the ideas themselves, as more and more people were able to consider themselves readers, writers, and independent thinkers.

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