Offerings, or financial giving, can be a tricky thing to talk about in the church. Yet it’s a vital part of ministry and people’s life of faith.
By Vanco | Mar 9, 2022 8:00:00 AM
Every church, regardless of size, relies heavily on donations. But the offering is more than just a donation to support various projects or meet certain fundraising goals. And it is certainly more than just a tax-deductible contribution. A sense of gratitude for God's gracious gifts is usually where most churches start, but keeping donors engaged depends significantly on your specific situation. You’re working hard to make God’s amazing grace clear to your church, so what’s holding people back from giving?
By Jenn Eickman | Aug 7, 2018 9:00:00 AM
My eyes have been opened over the last two years about showing appreciation. Not that I wasn’t appreciative before, but now that I’m in development, appreciation has become a large part of my role in ministry and I’m much more conscious of showing it.
By Peter Frank | Dec 26, 2017 9:00:00 AM
Welcome to one of my favorite weeks of the year: the week between Christmas and New Year’s. At Concordia Publishing House, this is a short work-week bookended by two holidays and an extra day off. That means someone can take three days of PTO and turn that into ten days off in a row. What a deal!
By Andrew Osborne | Nov 10, 2016 9:00:00 AM
In August of 2015, Vanco Payment Solutions conducted an online survey of 1,002 U.S. Christian churchgoers. They created a report that details the survey’s findings about current attitudes toward e-Giving, the most compelling motivations for church giving and preferences for communication and technology. Some of their findings were that:
By Ann Ciaccio | Aug 4, 2016 10:00:00 AM
I was to write a blog on practicing good stewardship in marketing/advertising when I realized something. The best thing an organization can do to practice good stewardship in advertising is to have a well thought out public relations plan. So, I’m going to skip the advertising and head directly to public relations!
By Amanda Lansche | Nov 23, 2015 10:30:00 AM
Nonprofits, including churches, see a huge influx of donations and gifts during the month of December. With this in mind, it’s important for churches to talk about giving this time of year!
This can be done on social media, through email or a letter, on the church website, or in the church newsletter. By starting the conversation, you’ll increase the likelihood of people giving to your church (and it’s Christ-centered mission) when the desire to be generous strikes!
By Hannah Hansen | Jul 21, 2015 9:00:00 AM
When my dad was a pastor, I’d spend afternoons in his office playing on his computer, making copies of my hands, and coloring with highlighters. People would occasionally walk in and ask for money for gas, food, or a payphone (at least I think there were payphones still around in 2002). The secretary would point them to the nearest food pantry or homeless shelter, unable to do more than direct them to locations that could provide help.