My mom writes about two emails a month, while my sister writes about a hundred a day. (Their days look very different!) Wherever you fall within this spectrum, it’s important to make sure you and the people representing your church utilize proper email etiquette to imbue your communications with professionalism.
Amanda Lansche

Recent Posts
By Amanda Lansche | Sep 12, 2016 11:15:00 AM
Church newsletters often include copy from a number of contributors, like the pastor, youth director, and volunteers. Likely, they send all that copy in Word documents. And if you design the newsletter in Adobe InDesign, well, then you probably already know Word and InDesign aren’t besties.
If the process of moving from Word to InDesign for your church newsletter is a regular headache, try using styles to streamline your workflow.
By Amanda Lansche | Aug 25, 2016 9:00:00 AM
Canva brings high-quality graphic design within reach for anyone. Their on-trend designs, beautiful stock photos, and easy-to-use interface have made the web application very popular, especially among business professionals. Their iPad app has seen solid success since it came out in 2014. In July, Canva finally released a mobile app for the iPhone!
By Amanda Lansche | Aug 22, 2016 9:00:00 AM
Microsoft Word gets a bad rap when it comes to design tools. When you think of designing in Word, do you see pixelated clip art and hot pink Comic Sans? Thankfully, it’s not 1999 any more!
While designing in Word can be frustrating, using this software doesn’t mean your documents need to be ugly or plain. When everyone in your church office, not to mention all of your volunteers, already have Word and know how to use it, it’s a great software solution for your group. (There’s even a free online version, which is awesome when multiple users need to work on the same document.)
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Trends inform any designer's work. While trends should never dictate what you choose to create, they can refresh your style and keep you inspired!
By Amanda Lansche | Jul 25, 2016 9:00:00 AM
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By Amanda Lansche | Jul 19, 2016 9:00:00 AM
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By Amanda Lansche | Jun 28, 2016 9:00:00 AM
While you could spend thousands of dollars on custom web design, Google Fonts offers a great alternative. With Google Fonts, you can feature stellar font choices on your church website and blog for free! Their library with 650 fonts lets web designers take designs to the next level without even dipping into the budget.
By Amanda Lansche | Jun 13, 2016 10:30:00 AM
I have a lot of apps on my phone. I’ve crammed most of them into folders and relegated them to the last page, since I only open them once in a blue moon. But Instagram? That little app sits in the bottom row on the front page (a place of honor, since it’s right where my short fingers can reach it when using my phone one-handed).
By Amanda Lansche | May 2, 2016 9:00:00 AM
Pastors have been writing to God’s people for centuries. Remember those letters the apostle Paul wrote to the Early Church? And this one guy, Martin Luther, posted some ideas on a church door about 500 years ago. (Just think how many shares he would have gotten with a blog . . .)