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Technology should not transform ministry, but rather do the things that people don’t have to do so they can do what they do best.

The Value of a Church Logo and Why You Should Protect Yours

By Stacy Yates | Sep 18, 2018 9:00:00 AM

When it comes to logos, branding, and name recognition, it seems the world understands why it’s so important for their favorite pair of shoes or beverage to have these things, but not why their church home should.

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Creating an Environment for Learning in the Church

By Dave Farnham | Jun 7, 2017 9:00:00 AM

How many of us remember the candlelight services we have once a year?

When we engage more than one sense in a learning environment, the chance of us learning what is being taught exponentially increases. In candlelight services, we are using the senses of sight, touch, and smell. Remembering these sensory experiences later can also help us recall the message we heard about God’s grace.

From early in church history to the present day, believers have wanted to use their skills and gifts to help others learn about God’s grace. In the past, artists used paintings, sculptures, mosaics, or architecture to tell stories and share messages. Today, in a world full of technology, what are high-tech and low-tech ways we can engage the senses and create an environment for learning?

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Inspiration or Imitation?

By Kimberly Myers | Dec 19, 2016 9:00:00 AM

Many people who are active in social media and blogging feel pressure to constantly develop new and exciting content. That pressure can sap creativity, making it hard to come up with original content and tempting you to closely copy something someone else has done.
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Topics: Branding Design

Avoiding Zombie Communications

By Ann Ciaccio | Oct 24, 2016 9:00:12 AM

Zombie communications reduce the ability of your information to be communicated in an effective and reliable manner. As the information travels down the pipeline, it becomes less and less effective, reducing your message to nothing more than nonsensical words. They can become an epidemic, traveling across all lines of communications. Zombie communications can destroy the collaboration between various departments within an organization. It’s that serious.

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8 Tips and Tricks for Microsoft PowerPoint

By Rev. Daniel Ross | Oct 18, 2016 9:00:00 AM


October is not only Pastor Appreciation Month, but it is also conference month! Well, at least for the Kansas and Michigan Districts. Which means, I just sat through a whole bunch of PowerPoint presentations. And, by-and-large they were not pretty. Not trying to criticize, just stating a fact.

Nowadays PowerPoint is easier than ever to use. But, if you grew up in olden times it was quite the tedious program. Because of that I get the sense that many people think that the things they would like to do are cumbersome and time consuming. Well, not anymore. Things are much more streamlined and fairly simple. But, before we dive in, read Katy Munson’s article: How to Use PowerPoint Effectively.

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Topics: Branding Design

How to Use PowerPoint Effectively

By Katy Crawford | Sep 6, 2016 9:00:00 AM

PowerPoint can be an effective tool and a helpful presentation software for your church, given its familiarity and accessibility. Here are some very basic ideas for using this program in a way that enhances what you’re trying to say, rather than detracting from it.

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Topics: Branding Design

Simple Steps to Set Your Church's House Style and Brand

By Kimberly Myers | Aug 29, 2016 9:00:00 AM


Set a house style for my church? Brand my church like it’s a soda or a pair of jeans? But we aren’t selling anything! We aren’t a corporation trying to make a profit. We’re just here to serve!

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6 Designer Tips for Word: Using Themes, Styles & Templates

By Amanda Lansche | Aug 22, 2016 9:00:00 AM

Microsoft Word gets a bad rap when it comes to design tools. When you think of designing in Word, do you see pixelated clip art and hot pink Comic Sans? Thankfully, it’s not 1999 any more!

While designing in Word can be frustrating, using this software doesn’t mean your documents need to be ugly or plain. When everyone in your church office, not to mention all of your volunteers, already have Word and know how to use it, it’s a great software solution for your group. (There’s even a free online version, which is awesome when multiple users need to work on the same document.)

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Topics: Branding Design

Church Communication & Graphic Design

By Jenn Eickman | Aug 1, 2016 9:00:00 AM

I have a confession....I am church communicator, but I am not a graphic designer.  <gasp> Don’t get me wrong, I try, but I have no formal training and have grown my skillset through videos tutorials, blog posts, and communication/marketing discussion groups.

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4 Design Trends to Try with Your Fall Ministries

By Amanda Lansche | Jul 28, 2016 9:00:00 AM

Trends inform any designer's work. While trends should never dictate what you choose to create, they can refresh your style and keep you inspired!

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Topics: Branding Design