Have you ever wondered how Google knows what websites to suggest when you look something up? It’s called SEO—search engine optimization—and it helps users find a website by improving its visibility on search engines. It’s also a valuable tactic for churches and their websites!
By Peter Frank | Jun 2, 2020 2:00:00 PM
In 1997, back in the dark ages of the internet, I wrote my first website. I wrote it, but I didn’t publish it because, honestly, I didn’t know how. It wasn’t a great website, but I was proud of it.
I wasn’t even a teenager yet, but I was fascinated by computers and especially the internet. Creating a website seemed like a fun challenge, so I did what is almost unheard of now: I went to the library and borrowed a book about how to write Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the language of the internet.
By Lora Horn | Jul 3, 2018 9:00:00 AM
Creating a church webpage should be easy, shouldn’t it?
Whether we’re talking about a home page, an about page, or a simple blog post—type it up and hit “publish,” right? But if you want your page to actually get read, it’s not that simple.
Don’t worry, it’s not that hard, either, but it is important to know how to structure your page so that readers want to read it.
By Erica Tape | Jul 18, 2017 10:45:00 AM
With everything having a website these days, how do you make your church’s website stand out in a Google search?
An essential thing to implement on your church’s website is SEO (search engine optimization). SEO is how we make things show up in search results. Without SEO, no one knows your site exists unless they already have its URL.
One could easily write an entire book on how to optimize a site for SEO, but here are some basic tips to get you started. Because your site will have a mix of long-term pages that aren’t frequently updated and timely pages you need to draw traffic to, you may not use all of these tactics on every single page. But implementing them when appropriate will make a big difference in helping new people find your site and get connected to your church.