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Technology should not transform ministry, but rather do the things that people don’t have to do so they can do what they do best.


Vanco provides seamless online payment solutions for educational and nonprofit organizations to function efficiently. By complying with PCI Level 1 standards, Vanco offers the highest level of security available in the payment-processing industry. Vanco has a wide variety of products, including a mobile app, online-giving pages, and text-message giving.

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Spring into Giving with Vanco’s Fee-Free Promotion

By Vanco | Feb 27, 2024 6:00:00 AM

While your church is busy making plans for a successful Lent and Easter season, summer will be here before we know it. With the joys of summer come warmer weather and summer vacations, meaning fewer members and visitors physically join you for worship. But that doesn’t have to mean a decrease in donations.

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Topics: Online Giving

Free Fall Resources for Online Church Giving

By Vanco | Aug 17, 2022 12:00:00 PM

If you’re not aware, Vanco is an online giving tool that integrates with Church360° and Shepherd’s Staff. With Concordia Technology Solutions and Vanco, you can spend less time on the computer and more time on what you do best: people-focused ministry.

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Topics: Online Giving

Eight Tips to Boost Recurring Giving for Your Church

By Vanco | May 11, 2022 11:30:00 AM

Vanco is an online giving tool that integrates with Church360° and Shepherd’s Staff.  We know some churches are hesitant to get started with online giving.

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Topics: Online Giving

8 Reasons Members Aren’t Ready to Give to Your Church

By Vanco | Mar 9, 2022 8:00:00 AM

Every church, regardless of size, relies heavily on donations. But the offering is more than just a donation to support various projects or meet certain fundraising goals. And it is certainly more than just a tax-deductible contribution. A sense of gratitude for God's gracious gifts is usually where most churches start, but keeping donors engaged depends significantly on your specific situation. You’re working hard to make God’s amazing grace clear to your church, so what’s holding people back from giving?

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The Giving Trends You Need for 2022 and Beyond are Here!

By Vanco | Dec 31, 2021 12:00:00 PM

Do you know how your members prefer to give? In 2021, Vanco conducted the fourth biennial study of 1,000 churchgoers around the country and across Christian denominations to find out. Now, we’re ready to share what we discovered. 

Here’s an overview of what Vanco found. 

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4 Online Giving Perks You Might Not Have Thought About

By Vanco | Dec 3, 2021 12:00:00 PM

Churches often fall short of their stewardship goals. In many cases, it’s because churches don’t have an online giving platform, leaving church members unsure of how to give.

If you want to know more about the benefits of online giving for churches, keep reading.

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How to Maximize eGiving Tools at Your Church

By Vanco | Aug 30, 2021 12:00:00 PM

In many places, churches are returning to what feels normal: in-person services with members coming together in the building. But as churches face the future, there are many things they must confront. These topics include virtual services, changing attendance habits, and shifts in how members want to give.

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How to Connect with Easter Visitors

By Vanco | Apr 7, 2017 1:30:00 PM


Easter is a season of anticipation and celebration for people who may seldom attend church the rest of the year.

For churches, Easter also requires preparation for greeting those infrequent attendees and converting them into regular members. Starting the outreach process immediately shows that your church embraces, listens to and cares about connecting with them.

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