Rev. Bill Johnson
Rev. Bill Johnson serves as the Director of Educational Technology at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne. He’s passionate about finding effective ways to share the Gospel with emerging generations and new ways to use technology to form the next generation of servants for the Church. He lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana, with his wife and three teenage daughters. Please pray for him.
By Rev. Bill Johnson |
May 8, 2018 9:00:00 AM
We live in one of the most connected ages in history. We can stay connected with friends around the globe and have unlimited potential to make new friends. News travels around the globe in moments, and we’re routinely treated to a front-row view of history as live-streaming technology becomes more commonplace. At no other point in human history have we been so quickly and easily connected with other people.
So why are we so isolated?
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By Rev. Bill Johnson |
Feb 20, 2018 9:00:00 AM
Technology touches all aspects of our lives. From the ways we work, play, create, and learn all the way to how we spend our final days, technology plays a significant role in what’s possible, and, of course, what isn’t . . . at least for now. Ministry is no exception to this, and the Church has historically been one of the bastions on the cutting edge of technology. We were among the first to adopt the codex, and some of the earliest written words in history are found in the Old Testament. Even Martin Luther benefited from his unique timing in technological history by seeing his writings widely distributed through Gutenberg’s printing press. The Church and technology are old friends.
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By Rev. Bill Johnson |
May 16, 2017 9:00:00 AM
This expert was taken from the ebook Computer Security for Your Church.
When we think about the many ways our churches serve their members, we don’t often think about things like technology or data security. In today’s growing digital world, though, a robust awareness of data security can be one of the most important ways to safeguard the privacy of your users and their families. Just as we wouldn’t broadcast information given to us in confidence in day to day conversation, so too in the digital world we need to ensure that the information our members and visitors entrust us with is kept safe and secure from those who would use it to cause harm.
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By Rev. Bill Johnson |
May 2, 2017 12:15:00 PM
So you’re thinking of doing a complete redesign of your church website. The theme is dated, the info is out of date, and those 4000kb background images were never good ideas. That’s right. It’s time to burn the whole thing down and start over from scratch.
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By Rev. Bill Johnson |
Mar 16, 2017 9:00:00 AM
While the copyright law in the US provides several rights exclusively to the rights holders of a creative work, the law nonetheless allows use of works, even those covered by copyright, in specific ways. To protect the ability of artists to reference one another’s work, teachers to educate, and critics and commentators to reference artistic works, the copyright law provides a series of principles collectively known as Fair Use.
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By Rev. Bill Johnson |
Mar 7, 2017 9:00:00 AM
This article is intended to familiarize you with the basics of copyright as it relates to churches. Because copyright is a legal issue and the intricacies of your situation might make a significant difference in your rights and responsibilities, you should consult a lawyer who is familiar with your circumstance before following any legal guidance.
Copyright is a set of laws designed to help artists and others who produce creative works to be able to benefit from their work and to control its use.
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By Rev. Bill Johnson |
Feb 28, 2017 10:00:00 AM
Within any culture there’s a certain orthodox set of ideas that aren’t allowed to be challenged or compromised except at great peril. Some of those are held in common across most, if not all, cultures, such as the idea that killing without justification is wrong. Others of them are unique to a particular culture, place and time. In ancient Rome, for example, one of the guiding principles was that of polytheism. It was perfectly acceptable for someone to worship whatever god they chose to follow, as long as they didn’t make any claims to be the only god. Obviously Judaism and early Christianity ran afoul of this principle, and as a result they found themselves on the margins of Roman society pretty quickly.
In the western world today, we also have a set of guiding principles.
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By Rev. Bill Johnson |
Oct 27, 2016 9:00:00 AM
Part two of a two-part series on Incremental Change vs. Transformational Change by Rev. Bill Johnson.
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By Rev. Bill Johnson |
Oct 25, 2016 9:00:00 AM
Part one of a two-part series on Incremental Change vs. Transformational Change by Rev. Bill Johnson.
An author I once read (and have now forgotten the name of) shared a story about incremental change. Take a photo. It’s a good photo, and probably one you’ll look back at often, but it’s just a photo. Take a second photo of the same subject moments later. Now, switch back and forth between the two photos. You will see that a few things have changed, and the experience will begin to feel a bit like one of those “Spot the Difference” puzzles you find in the Sunday newspapers. It’s a change, but it’s really just a notch forward. Two pictures aren’t really all that much different than one picture. This is incremental change.
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By Rev. Bill Johnson |
Sep 22, 2016 9:00:00 AM
I’m not sure anyone likes passwords. They’re clumsy, hard to remember and increasingly easy to crack. There are a few things you can do, however, to make your passwords easier to remember and more secure.
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