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Questions Every Church Website Should Answer

Jul 25, 2017 9:30:00 AM

Questions Every Church Website Should Answer

A good church website answers questions for visitors and members alike. This is instrumental in easily locating important information about your church. Below is a list of common questions every church website should answer. When creating a “What To Expect” page, here are some questions to keep in mind.

  1. Where is guest parking? This information will greatly reduce anxiety for a new church visitor. Make it as simple to find as possible. Also include if you have designated areas for senior adults or expectant mothers, or any other specially designated areas. You might also want to include a map.

  2. What is the dress code? People always feel more comfortable in an environment when they feel like they fit in.

  3. What activities are there for my kids? Parents want to know if their kids will be safe and welcomed. Does your church have a child check-in system? Do you offer a children’s worship service? Is there a nursery or day care? The answers to these questions should be included here.

  4. How do I join the church? This should be as simple as detailing your membership requirements. If you have regular classes, provide a link to the schedule or to another page for more details.

  5. How do I get involved? Outline the process or requirements needed to serve or volunteer in your church. Include a link to a registration or sign-up form. A link to your calendar of events could also be added to this page.

  6. Who do I contact? This would be general contact information for any specific church needs, e.g., weddings, funerals, or baptisms.

  7. What denomination is your church affiliated with? If your church is affiliated with a certain group or denomination, you should let visitors know. Transparency is key. Churches should be clear about their beliefs and their doctrinal affiliations.

  8. How do I join a group? This is a great opportunity to share information about specific church groups like Bible studies, Sunday school, life groups, or home groups. You may even suggest that interested people contact your ministry leaders to find out more information about these groups.

  9. What time is the service and when should I arrive? You could list the worship times here or add a link to the church calendar. Also, if the church offers a meet-and-greet for visitors, it would be beneficial to list that information as well.

I hope these suggestions get you started with putting your questions and answers together for a best-in-class “What to Expect” page!

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