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Top 100 Social Media Post Ideas for Churches

Aug 10, 2017 12:00:00 AM


Do you ever feel like your church's social media accounts are stuck in a rut? Looking for new ways to inspire and engage your members online? Here are 100 of our top social media post ideas to help inform, encourage, and inspire your congregation.

Post Ideas to Build Church Community  

  1. Photos of volunteer efforts
  2. Livestream of the ordination service for a new pastor
  3. Photo and thank-you note to volunteers for helping in a specific mission
  4. When announcing this year’s church picnic, post a collage of photos from last year’s
  5. Photo of kids rehearsing for Christmas program
  6. Video from the Christmas program performance
  7. Photo of pastor putting his vestments on getting ready for the service
  8. Photos of behind-the-scenes prep for Sunday (e.g., getting altar and bulletins ready)
  9. Video of organist playing part of a hymn that will be sung on the upcoming Sunday
  10. Birth announcements
  11. Photo from each baptism that happens at church
  12. Photo from each wedding that happens at church
  13. Death announcements and funeral info
  14. Milestones (e.g., impressive wedding anniversaries, birthdays, or years in ministry)
  15. Photos from events that are held for the public
  16. Poll to determine theme for summer sermon series
  17. Weekly or monthly post getting to know a new family
  18. If your church has a school, share the school’s social posts or post on the school’s behalf
  19. If your church has a school, show pictures from graduation
  20. If your church doesn’t have a school, highlight your church’s high school graduates

Post Ideas Inform Your Church

  1. Meeting and event reminders
  2. Save-the-date announcements
  3. Photo of the newly paved parking lot and info on when it will be dry
  4. Info on when certain parts of the building are closing for renovations or are opening after them
  5. Weather issues that affect the service
  6. Road closures or community events that affect people’s drive to church on Sunday
  7. Seasonal service schedules (e.g., midweek service times during Lent or Advent)
  8. Church office hours (if the office will be closed on a holiday)
  9. Info about upcoming community events your church is a partner for
  10. Room locations and teachers’ names for Sunday school
  11. Announce when it is time for your members to pick up their new boxes of offering envelopes for the year
  12. Info about egiving options
  13. Introduce the office staff
  14. Volunteer opportunities or requests for help, and info on how to sign up
  15. Location of quiet bags for families with young children
  16. Job openings within the church (e.g., new secretary or new janitor)
  17. Info about new classes or small groups that have started up
  18. Location of free resources people can take home
  19. Information on music lessons that are being taught by community members inside the church building
  20. Announcements for guest preachers when the pastor is out of town

Posts Ideas to Inspire Your Church

  1. Daily memory verse from the Bible (well designed; Canva.com is a place to start)
  2. Daily or weekly devotions
  3. Ideas for working regular devotion time into your family’s schedule
  4. A verse of a hymn that is ringing in your ears
  5. Share a post from another source, like a sister church or your main church body
  6. General prayers of encouragement and support on a regular basis
  7. Prayers after tragic events or natural disasters
  8. New books that have been added to the church’s library
  9. Your church’s book of the month
  10. Inspiring stories of faith, or “God moments,” among the church’s members
  11. Personal testimonies from new members about what drew them to your church
  12. A quote from someone who was served by a mission team from your church
  13. A quote from a historical figure in the church
  14. News stories related to churches and Christianity
  15. Blog post from the pastor about a current event
  16. A Bible passage that is especially poignant based on a current event
  17. Daily updates from a team currently on a mission trip
  18. Ideas for planning a wedding ceremony at your  church
  19. Ideas for holding a baptism celebration at your  church
  20. Photos of cool places you find your church’s logo (e.g., bumper stickers, license plates, or in a faraway city)

Post Ideas to Build Trust in Your Church

  1. Behind-the-scenes looks at the church office during the day
  2. Photo of the pastor working on a sermon
  3. Thank someone for a large donation and post a picture of what it will be used for
  4. Photo of the actual leaking roof so parishioners can see where the money needs to go
  5. Photos of renovation in process to show people how their donations are being used
  6. Before-and-after pics for renovations
  7. Updates on how fundraisers are going (e.g., we’ve received 50% of what we need)
  8. Final results from a fundraiser (e.g., we raised $2,000 for this local charity)
  9. Surveys for feedback after events
  10. After-the-fact update post from youth gatherings or mission trips your church helped raise funds for
  11. Photo from a church council meeting or elders’ meeting to help people feel like they’re part of what goes on there
  12. Planning updates for big events, like photos from a meeting or a quick live video during a meeting
  13. YTD budget updates
  14. A visual breakdown of how the church uses funds
  15. Updates from missionaries your church supports
  16. After a problem affecting the church, post an update on how the staff is rectifying it (e.g., we met with police today to investigate the break-in last night)
  17. Update from pastor at a conference or seminar he went to to further his education
  18. Safety procedures for an emergency (e.g., if severe storms are expected, post procedures for how the church’s school will keep the children safe during a tornado)
  19. Positive quote a staff member or parishioner received after someone visited for the first time
  20. Photo of a charity receiving old, donated hymnals from the church when the church purchases new ones

Post Ideas to Educate Your Church

  1. Start a Today I Learned thread on Facebook to encourage members to share something new they learned about the church or their faith
  2. A significant word or theme from the upcoming readings on Sunday, and encourage members to listen for the word and how it might apply to the sermon
  3. An informative blog post on the church’s teachings
  4. Answer to a frequently asked question about day-to-day happenings at your church
  5. Answer to a frequently asked question about theology or the Bible
  6. Video of the sermon from Sunday
  7. Outline or highlights from the sermon from Sunday
  8. Blog post about how Communion is prepared
  9. The handout from Bible study each week
  10. List of the readings for this Sunday so people can read them in advance and be prepared
  11. Notetaking ideas for during the sermon
  12. Video or Christian podcast from a Bible study
  13. Facts from Christian history (e.g., on this day in 1580 . . .)
  14. Facts from history from your church’s congregation
  15. Explanation of the Church Year and the different colors throughout it
  16. How premarital counseling works at your church
  17. The different confirmation classes young people must go through before they are confirmed
  18. History of the upcoming Sunday’s Hymn of the Day
  19. Short bio of a character from the Bible the pastor will talk about on Sunday
  20. Weekly conversation starters for Sunday lunches for parents to use with their children to reinforce what was taught in church that morning

Looking for even more advice and tips on how to plan your church communications strategy? Check out this post on the ingredients of a detailed church communications strategy.

Set Your Strategy


Topics: Social Media