I was to write a blog on practicing good stewardship in marketing/advertising when I realized something. The best thing an organization can do to practice good stewardship in advertising is to have a well thought out public relations plan. So, I’m going to skip the advertising and head directly to public relations!
Ann Ciaccio

Recent Posts
By Ann Ciaccio | Jun 16, 2016 9:00:00 AM
Does this ever happen to you?
You walk into your office and the first thing someone asks is “What’s on your schedule for today?”. Or, as you drive into work, you’re wondering what is waiting for you to do.
As communicators, we have certain “to-do’s” every day/week/month. And what about the youth director who finds himself in need of communicating a bible study meeting to his group and asks you for your help in distributing the communication? Plus, you know there’s times when that urgent communication needs to go out ASAP.
By Ann Ciaccio | May 31, 2016 9:00:00 AM
Co-written by Rev. Keith Haney, Mission Facilitator, LCMS Northern Illinois District
We see them all the time while driving down roads. Some brick and mortar, others monument, and the most recent trend - the led message center signs.
By Ann Ciaccio | May 16, 2016 9:00:00 AM
“Administrator” – Sometimes I think that title was set up as a catch all for those positions which don’t fit anything else. And the variety . . . from business to technical to managerial . . . the title covers them all. Most importantly, they are the foundation of any group which runs efficiently and effectively.
By Ann Ciaccio | Apr 20, 2016 9:00:00 AM
Hopefully my previous blog post got you excited about the potential for networking and using LinkedIn! In this post, I’d like to share how you can easily build your profile, build your network, and NETWORK.
If you already have a profile on LinkedIn, I’ve included some information for getting the most from it as well.
By Ann Ciaccio | Apr 12, 2016 9:00:00 AM
One of the most ingrained lessons I have learned over my career is the value of professional networking.
In its simplicity, a professional network is a valued resource for seeking employment, sales, and staying in touch with colleagues. At higher levels, a professional network is a valued tool for individual growth, support, education, and helping others.
By Ann Ciaccio | Mar 24, 2016 9:00:00 AM
A logo is considered an essential part of an organization, be it business or non-profit. But what about congregations? Should they have individual logos?
By Ann Ciaccio | Mar 1, 2016 9:00:00 AM
“Who are you? Who? Who? Who? Who?”
Sound familiar? It follows with “I really wanna know.” For younger people (or those that don’t listen to classic music) it’s the lyrics from a 1978 song by the WHO. It is also the question being asked by people who do not know your congregation.
When it comes to defining the identity of your church, the question you need to ask yourself is, “What are we telling them?”
By Ann Ciaccio | Feb 25, 2016 9:00:00 AM
Have you ever heard the saying “Junk In, Junk Out”? If this saying applies to anything, it applies to data and databases.
Output from congregational databases can include membership numbers, small group members, contacts and mailing lists, financial reports, and people outside your church whom you have touched in some way. How you collect and store your data will have a direct impact on the information you draw from your database.
By Ann Ciaccio | Jan 18, 2016 9:00:00 AM
Last week, I wrote about the first step of stategic planning for churches—implementing a program review process at your church. With that step in hand, you can now set the future in motion through visioning.