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Technology should not transform ministry, but rather do the things that people don’t have to do so they can do what they do best.

Staying Connected with Your Church’s College Students

By Audrey Morschen | Jul 24, 2018 9:00:00 AM

As college students are packing their bags to go back to school at the end of the summer, there are a few steps that churches can take to make sure their college students are feeling cared for. As a college student myself, I find that it is always a big transition when you start attending church at a new place at the beginning of the semester. It is hard to feel connected to your church when you are hundreds of miles away, so here are a few easy tips for churches to keep college students engaged when they head back to school.

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Building Meaningful Connections in a World of Tech and Isolation

By Rev. Bill Johnson | May 8, 2018 9:00:00 AM

We live in one of the most connected ages in history. We can stay connected with friends around the globe and have unlimited potential to make new friends. News travels around the globe in moments, and we’re routinely treated to a front-row view of history as live-streaming technology becomes more commonplace. At no other point in human history have we been so quickly and easily connected with other people.

So why are we so isolated?

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Maintaining Positive Attitudes among Ministry Staff

By Concordia Technology Solutions | Sep 28, 2017 9:00:00 AM

When I lived in the Pacific Northwest, one of my routines was to venture to Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle on Saturday mornings. Not only was it fun to pick out fresh fish for Saturday dinners, but the fish market employees also brought such joy and fun to the experience. They would literally toss trout and salmon through the air to each other, to customers, to anyone who would frolic in their game.

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Topics: Management

Defining and Measuring Success In Your Church

By Billy Schultz | Jun 27, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Success is one of those words that people seem to use without giving much thought to what they’re saying. Whether we talk about success in a personal or collective sense, we often times use the word without knowing what we mean by it. Or worse, we know what we mean by it, but when we try to measure it, we fail to look at the right indicators. 

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Setting Church Communication Goals

By Peter Frank | Jun 8, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Every good plan starts with goals, and a church communication plan is no different. Stating ministry goals and building communication goals off of them is the first step in making an effective online communication strategy happen.

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Agile Failing for Church Communications

By Seth Hinz | Apr 25, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Done is better than perfect, and I needed to learn to get to “done” faster.

True confessions - rapid fire edition.

  • I love working on teams.
  • I love getting feedback on my work.
  • I hate working alone.

Here’s the problem: Most of the time, I work alone, in an office digging away at code, video editing, graphic design, you name it.

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Using Slack to Better Team Communication

By Rev. Daniel Ross | Feb 9, 2017 9:00:00 AM

If no man is an island that goes double for churches. It would be downright impossible for one person to do everything. Now, the bigger a church gets the more staff and volunteers are needed to do the work of calling all to faith. And, the more staff and volunteers a church has the more imperative it is for effective organization and behind the scenes communication.

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How to Measure the Goals of Your Church

By Ann Ciaccio | Feb 2, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Utilizing the proper measurements — and checking and rechecking them can benefit us in so many areas of our lives.

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The Best Meeting Agenda Template I've Ever Used

By Seth Hinz | Jan 10, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Have you ever been in a meeting that veered off course and shifted to family, sports, or even movie recommendations? Most meetings appear harmless, they start with “we need to discuss X.” However, five minutes into many meetings, a team can end up looking around wondering who actually called the meeting and if it’s supposed to go 30 minutes or 60 or? 

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Why Person-First Language Matters

By Rev. Daniel Ross | Jan 9, 2017 9:00:00 AM

I read it in news articles. I hear it on newscasts. I hear it walking on the street. I have even heard it used in churches. I see and hear it everywhere, and it makes me cringe —Every. Single. Time. What is it? It is people using a characteristic (usually a disability) to define who a person is. And it is wrong.

Now, I am no Social Justice Warrior. Nor am I a guy who is on the extreme edge of being politically correct. This is not about that. So please, hear me out before you tune me out.

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