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Discover how to leverage technology in your church

Technology should not transform ministry, but rather do the things that people don’t have to do so they can do what they do best.

What I’ve Learned in Six Months of Planning

By Kimberly Myers | Jun 20, 2017 9:45:00 AM

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The Complete Guide to Redesigning Your Church Website

By Rev. Bill Johnson | May 2, 2017 12:15:00 PM

So you’re thinking of doing a complete redesign of your church website.  The theme is dated, the info is out of date, and those 4000kb background images were never good ideas.  That’s right.  It’s time to burn the whole thing down and start over from scratch.

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Is the Medium Really the Message?

By Billy Schultz | Apr 20, 2017 9:45:00 AM

A half-century after its publishing, Marshall McLuhan’s Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man continues to be a popular work in the area of media and communications. In the opening paragraph, he proposes the following:

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Setting Your Social Media Response Strategy

By Kimberly Myers | Apr 13, 2017 9:30:00 AM


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What the Church Can Learn from No Man’s Sky

By Rev. Bill Johnson | Sep 1, 2016 9:00:00 AM

Perhaps no game has been more anticipated (and more divisive) in the gaming community than the recent release of No Man’s Sky. Hyped as a nearly infinite universe, it enabled players to explore the breadth of its over 18 quintillion stars, each with its own planets, moons, plants, animals, and ecosystems. The player is cast in the role of a survivor of a starship crash and must repair his or her ship and make a way boldly forth into the unknown. 

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The Effects of Technology on Millennials

By Hannah Hansen | Aug 9, 2016 9:00:00 AM

This post is an excerpt from the ebook, Millennials and the Church, written by Hannah Osborne.

Millennials have grown up relying on technology. Those born in the early 1980s might remember a time without computers, but TVs were most likely a household staple, and video game systems quickly became a major form of entertainment for young people.

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Practicing Good Stewardship in Marketing

By Ann Ciaccio | Aug 4, 2016 10:00:00 AM

I was to write a blog on practicing good stewardship in marketing/advertising when I realized something. The best thing an organization can do to practice good stewardship in advertising is to have a well thought out public relations plan. So, I’m going to skip the advertising and head directly to public relations!

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How to Use a Church Communications Calendar

By Ann Ciaccio | Jun 16, 2016 9:00:00 AM

Does this ever happen to you?

You walk into your office and the first thing someone asks is “What’s on your schedule for today?”. Or, as you drive into work, you’re wondering what is waiting for you to do.

As communicators, we have certain “to-do’s” every day/week/month. And what about the youth director who finds himself in need of communicating a bible study meeting to his group and asks you for your help in distributing the communication? Plus, you know there’s times when that urgent communication needs to go out ASAP.

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How to Get Visitors to Return to Your Church after Easter

By Peter Frank | Mar 28, 2016 9:00:00 AM

I'm not a big fan of many holidays, but I love Easter.

There's something special about transitioning from the deep sadness of Good Friday and the quiet of Saturday to the joyful celebration of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. It is, quite literally, the most exciting thing in the world; it is the gift of salvation won for us by Jesus Christ.

That's why I waited until after Easter to share this post. On Easter morning, our attention is best focused on the empty tomb, not on church attendance or figuring out how to reach visitors in the weeks and months ahead. 

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How to Plan Your Holy Week Communications (+ FREE Marketing Kit)

By Amanda Lansche | Mar 8, 2016 9:30:00 AM

A consistent communications campaign has the power to inspire immediate recognition. It’s like hearing those first notes of a song on the radio while you scan through the stations. Just one a few seconds of the song (or one glance of your communications) can be enough to remind people of the bigger picture!

Creating a coordinated set of website banners, emails, social media posts, and more might sound like a lofty goal for Holy Week, since it’s right around the corner. But doesn't have to take a ton of extra work!

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